
What would it look like if those in our city had a space to work through their good ideas in order to gain clarity and insight into the dreams embedded inside of each one of us?

What if we could turn those good ideas into a Good Work?

What is the Good Work Accelerator?

We know from experience how hard it is to start something new.

We know how difficult it is to get that good, but undefined, idea out of your head and onto a piece of paper and eventually into the world!

Our team has collectively spent thousands of hours, while raising millions of dollars, to innovate and launch new businesses, products, and initiatives and we believe our experience and expertise can help you accelerate the good idea inside of you.

Our Good Work Accelerator (GWA) partners with founders around the critical steps necessary to turn their ideas into an impact-making, income-earning initiatives capable of doing good in the cities around them.

The GWA is designed to be completed in 4 months through a series of weekly sessions where participants gain access to a team of experts capable of providing guidance and crucial feedback all along the way. Each weekly session last approximately 75 minutes.

We break the experience up into four one month-long modules taking you from ideation all the way to implementation.

Here’s what that looks like:

MODULE ONE | The Person

We work with you to clearly locate and understand your strengths as a Founder and help you organize and plan for your startup.


We work with you to create a strategy to learn the skills necessary to gain momentum on your startup plan and help you discover potential customers.


We work with you to create a system to leverage customizable resources and curated relationships to help you determine funding sources, price points, and a minimum viable product to test with potential customers.


Finally, we work with you to create a true starting point as you finalize your plan for a successful launch!

Interested in joining our next accelerator?

Click the Contact button and let’s talk about launching that Good Work you were meant to do!